Recruitment Advertisement
- There are multiple graduate research assistant openings (for prospective Ph.D. candidates only) in my group. Please check the latest version of recruitment post at the LINK. Please contact me directly and send your CV and Transcripts to me (Email: zhong.chen AT cs DOT siu DOT edu) if you are interested in any one of my research areas. You can also apply for the M.S./Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science online at the following links: SIU Master and PhD Programs (Computer Science) and SIU Graduate Program in Computer Science. The recruiting advertisements were also posted on different social media platforms at the following links: link1, link2, link3, link4. Southern Illinois University (SIU) is a national public university in the United States, and classified as a R1 institution, i.e., Doctoral University with Very High Research Activity, by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.